If you have subcontractors or multiple legal entities, use the Company group to reflect the reality.
To manage companies, go to Companies menu item:
Select a company from the list that has pagination and the search field. Or add a new company by clicking the +NEW COMPANY button and providing a name.
You will see analytics for that company:
To connect projects or employees to the company, go to the Assignments tab.
Connecting projects to a client allows you to properly measure the business with each company.
Connecting employees to a company allows you to separate employees and team members according to reality. Your companies might work on different projects. In that case, consider assigning projects to a company.
Use the ADD+ button to add a data item (in projects or employees). Select the item name and specify the start and end date. Use the red cross to delete an item.
Don’t forget to save changes by clicking on the SAVE button.
If you make a mistake just reload the page without saving your edits to restore assignments to the previous state.
Assignments do not give rights to view and edit a group by default.
Use Access configuration in Settings.