To input a new project in the system go to the Projects view from the main menu and click the + NEW PROJECT button:
Input the name of the project in a new project dialog, select the project type, and click save:
- Billable: The projects for billable work.
- Internal: The projects for non-billable activities like administration work, sales, or marketing.
- Internal - Time-Off and Holidays: The projects for days off, sick time, an absence for any reason, or a vacation.
It’s good to know that billing can be configured on the task level, so there is the ability to mix billable/internal tasks in one project. For example, Project X would be billable but an Internal Meetings task could be internal.
For each project tab use a dedicated documentation section:
- Project Budget overview
- Project Analytics overview
- Project Timesheets
- Project Tasks
- Project Expenses
- Invoices
- Project Groups
- Project Settings and Access