A project is the core object inside Metric.ai. Projects connect employees, clients, hours, revenues, and expenses. Metric.ai calculates all business metrics from it with a granular segmentation by employees, organization, and tags like department, role, client, office, and company.
By default, only Active & Planning projects are visible. You are able to change that and see projects in other statuses by clicking on a dropdown with a selected filter.
From the project list, you are able to create a new project or look into an already-created project. If you want to quickly copy the project list, use the spreadsheet export button to get your project list in .xlsx format:
As on any list view in Metric.ai, there is the ability to search/filter and sort items:
Get into the project details by clicking on its name. Clicking on the client (or any other tag) name will get you to the client view.
The great thing about Metric.ai is that the browser’s back and forward buttons work as expected, so it’s convenient to navigate and incredibly fast to go back.